Matt damon jason bourne movies list
Matt damon jason bourne movies list

matt damon jason bourne movies list

Plus, Damon had a charm of his own, which prevented Bourne from seeming just like a blunt killing machine. It brought the usually heightened hero to the basics of human conditions. Damon played a character that was suffering from amnesia and deceivingly ordinary in his normality while seeking to repent from his dark past. The film made an impressive global $214 million gross from an initial $58 million budget, not to mention a critical success, as the film redefined the action hero. “It's very rare that a movie comes out a year late, has four rounds of reshoots, and it's good.” But it was. “ The word on Bourne was that it was supposed to be a turkey,” Damon recalls. Production was also delayed afterward because Universal demanded the ending to be reshot after receiving several negative test screening results.

matt damon jason bourne movies list

Liman was reportedly a distracted director whose disorganized mind eventually meant reshoots that went over budget by around $8M. The script received endless rewrites, as Gilroy would fax new scenes from his office to the production in Paris.

Matt damon jason bourne movies list